Parenting in KFL&A
Adult and baby smiling.
Your baby is now 4 months old. Today we'll share with you a way to relax when you have a spare moment, and some information about screen-use and your family - but first, it's time for another Looksee Checklist!

Does your child:
  • Follow a moving toy or person with eyes?
  • Glance from one object to another?
  • Make some sounds when looking at toys or people?
  • Brighten to sounds, especially people’s voices?
  • Respond to you by making sounds and moving arms and legs?
  • Laugh and smile in response to your laughs and smiles?
  • Finish each feeding within 45 minutes?
  • Lift head and chest and support self on forearms when placed on tummy?
  • Bring both hands to chest and keep head in midline when lying on back?
  • Hold head steady when supported at the chest or waist in a sitting position?
  • Reach for an object when supported in a sitting position? (sitting in an infant chair or on your lap)
  • Hold an object briefly when placed in hand?

Follow up with your health care provider if you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions or if you have concerns about your child’s development.
If your child was premature, check the website for guidance about which checklist to use.
Looksee Checklist
Immunization alert!
At 4 months, your baby is due to receive the same immunizations that they likely received at 2 months of age.
The Pediacel immunization protects your baby against five diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, and haemophilus influenza type b (Hib). Your baby is also due to receive a dose of the immunizations that protect against pneumococcal disease and rotavirus.
Your baby will receive two injections in the thigh, and one vaccine to drink.
Adult kissing baby on the cheek.
Screen use and your family
Screen-time (including televisions, computers, phones, and tablets) is not recommended for children under 2 years of age. Babies do not learn from screens. In fact, screen time can harm your baby’s development.

Babies love spending time with other people—you are their best teacher and playmate. Babies learn so much through interactions with warm and responsive parents and caregivers.

Try these tips to limit screen time:
  • Set limits on your own screen time.
  • Keep meal and snack times screen free. Connect with your family instead.
  • Keep bedrooms screen-free.
Adult laying down with hands on belly.
Being a parent is hard. The ways you relaxed before baby might not work now. Try to find some new ways to help your body be calm. Many people find breathing techniques useful. Here is one for you to try:
  1. Get comfy. Sit or lie down.
  2. Put one hand on your belly.
  3. Take a deep, slow breath through your nose. Feel your hand move.
  4. Breath out slowly through your mouth. Let your body relax as you breathe out. Focus on how this feels.
  5. Do this 3 times or more. Feel how your muscles relax.
Give it a try next time you have a quiet moment!
Holding holding cell phone while sitting at a table with a laptop mug, notebook, and pen.
Mental health services
You are a parent, and your health is important. People often find that becoming a parent affects their mental well-being. If you notice changes, it’s important to reach out for support. The KFL&A Public Health website has a list of local mental health services that are available. You can also call the Parenting in KFL&A Phoneline at 613-549-1154 for help finding support.  
Take care! We look forward to connecting with you next month!
If you have questions, connect with a registered nurse on the Parenting in KFL&A phoneline at 613-549-1154 or email us at 

KFL&A Public Health, 221 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston, Ontario K7M 1V5