Parenting in KFL&A
Baby crawling across the kitchen floor.
Your baby is 8 months old. They may be eating solid foods, and probably moving around the house crawling or even walking! To keep them full of energy, we’ll be talking about finger foods, milk, and being active.
Baby eating cooked broccoli.
Finger foods
Letting your baby feed themselves can be messy but it is a great way to help them explore new foods and to learn to eat. You don’t have to buy any special foods like puffs or rusks for baby. It’s best to modify the foods your family eats. Here are some ideas for finger foods: 
  • Pieces of soft veggies and fruit like bananas, peaches, and avocados. 
  • Cooked veggies and fruit like sweet potato, broccoli, and apples. 
  • Grated foods like carrot, pear, cheese, and tofu. 
  • Lumpy foods like mashed black beans or cooked meat and chopped cooked egg. 
  • Whole grains like bread, dry cereal, and cooked small pasta.

Cow’s milk 
  • Whole cow’s milk can be introduced between 9 to 12 months of age. If you decide to introduce cow’s milk, limit it to no more than 3 cups per day.  
  • If you are breastfeeding or chestfeeding, continue to feed in response to your child’s cues.  
  • Plant-based beverages (e.g., almond or rice milk) and lower fat milk (e.g., skim, 1% or 2%) aren’t recommended for children younger than 2 years of age. These milks do not contain enough fat and other nutrients that your baby needs.
  • Offer cow’s milk in an open cup, rather than a bottle or “sippy” cup.  
Baby crawling on the floor with a toy.
Move more, sit less
Children need movement to develop social skills, manage their feelings, sleep, and maintain a healthy body weight. Being active reduces your child’s risk for chronic diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure when they are older.

Sedentary time is when your baby isn’t moving. This may be when they are in a stroller or highchair. Limit this to no more than 1 hour at a time.

Physical literacy is when children have the skills and confidence to be active. You can help your baby to develop physical literacy by giving them time for free play and letting them move their body in new ways.

Encourage your baby to try new things and cheer them on!
Here are some tips to help your baby move more and sit less:

  • Get on the floor and play face-to-face with your baby. 
  • Gently bounce your baby on your knee. 
  • Crawl on the floor with your baby. 
  • Put your baby down on the floor for tummy time. Place soft balls and toys near your baby for them to reach and grasp. 
  • Try to get outside every day.
Hand holding marker over calendar.
Planning your next pregnancy
Planning your next pregnancy is a very personal decision. It is recommended to wait at least 18 months between pregnancies. This gap gives your body time to recover and gives a better chance for your next baby to be healthy.
Pregnancy planning
Adult holding baby in pool.
Water babies
Some babies love water, and some babies do not! If you and your family love the water, try visiting a municipal pool, park, or splash pad in Kingston or Napanee.
Enjoy the month playing and moving more! We’ll connect again next month when your baby turns 9 months old.
If you have questions, connect with a registered nurse on the Parenting in KFL&A phoneline at 613-549-1154 or email us at 

KFL&A Public Health, 221 Portsmouth Avenue, Kingston, Ontario K7M 1V5